Monday, December 12, 2011

The Smile from your Heart

I have been extremely mindful of the blessings in my life over the past couple of years, despite the hardships and trials we have been through! It seems this Christmas Season we have been given a little respite from the testing and trials God has allowed in our lives. Though we still have many concerns that face us for the New Year and are wondering how God is going to work, we live in a peace that is found, if we seek it, in Jesus. I find myself exclaiming God's goodness for seemingly small unimportant things - a walk taken on a chilly evening, sitting by the soft glow of our Christmas tree, making cookies and spending time with friends. Because I have only been given today, I am grateful for the little things God gives and for His presence in my life. Do I live each day with the JOY that God has given me or am I wasting time with worry, anger, self-absorption or busyness? If I don't wake up tomorrow, what will those closest to me say about my yesterday...

This Christmas season, I have been captured by the word REJOICE. God seems to give me a word or phrase to cling to during this time of year. It is a word that I want to shout from the rooftops right now. That we should REJOICE in the gift of our Savior, Jesus! REJOICE in who Jesus claims to be! REJOICE in what he did on the cross! In Isaiah 61:10 it says, "I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul REJOICES in my God." Joy is found in God, not in anything else. In Luke again it says, "...and my spirit REJOICES in God my Savior...." No matter our place in life or the circumstances we find ourselves in, we can REJOICE in who God is. When I am in Zambia, I am always in awe of the women who lift their hands to the God of Heaven and REJOICE in what God has abundantly given them (how humbling!) and for all that He is, their provider, their Lord, their Savior, their Father. Their JOY is not based on the temporal things of this earth but in the peace of God's goodness and sovereignty designed on the ethereal plane of eternity.

We are to re-joy, again and again. I love Philippians 4:4-7, "REJOICE in the Lord always. I will say it again: REJOICE! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petitions, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends ALL understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Now I know re-gifting might be a faux-paux in this day and age but re-joy-ing, I think, is a great idea! Let's pray that the joy that is hopefully seen in us despite our circumstances might be re-gifted to those who come in contact with us. May the joy we have in Christ be the one gift we want to re-give during this season of getting. Let us not pass up a chance to give real joy today, for we are not promised tomorrow. Let each day this month be the 25th, days of giving -- of ourselves, of the joy we have, of our time, energy and money, not just days of preparation and busyness with the hope you are all still in one piece by the 25th! I pray that the smile on your face that we so quickly give to those around us as we rush through this month of December is truly the reflection of the smile from your heart...the inexpressible joy found in knowing Christ.