Friday, July 19, 2013

Thoughts on Saying, "Goodbye"

It is increasingly more difficult to get on a plane and come home from doing ministry in Zambia. I know what I leave behind and it is hard to go when there is much to be done. There are people I love and paths to be walked, stories still to be heard and hearts yet to be healed.This trip was challenging and stretching to say the least, but to say the most, it again opened my eyes to a profound truth God wants me to remember.

In our women’s conferences we talk about the 10 truths we need to know and claim. Truths like-I am a child of the Most High God; I am a co-heir with Christ. These are soul changing and heart healing to women who have been oppressed. Truth assures us and gives us a solid place to stand.

 In my “goodbyes” the profound truth that allows me to leave is that God is still there. He has always been there.  His power is at work in our absence. Our time there is not in vain. It will be used by God to have a lasting impact because truth was spoken and love was shown. Jesus came to earth for a short while but had a lasting impact. We know that in His power we go and we leave, we speak and we love, we hug and we hold and God will do the rest.  Keep calm and God will carry on!

For His “hello” is everlasting, His presence all-encompassing and His hope fully sustaining. God never says, "Goodbye".

For now I am gone, but I know who I leave behind, until next time when God allows me back to join Him in Zambia. See, I have the freedom to leave but I am bound to respond to God’s call on my life to return, for my life is not my own. In the meantime, God is comforting those in grief, healing the hearts of the women we talked to, and giving hope to those who need to know that this world is not all there is.
The tree at our conference filled with all the flowers representing the truths the women claimed for themselves.