WITH Each Other

One Collective is all about WITH. Our approach to community transformation affirms the dignity and ability of those within the community to be part of the solution. We seek to empower local leaders, agencies, churches and entrepreneurs to be agents of transformation. Under this local asset-based model we then seek to involve the unique contributions of those outside the community. Churches, businesses, schools and organizations partner in unique ways to leverage their expertise and resources while benefiting from the knowledge and initiative of local leaders. With Jesus, and with each other, we change the future.

We invite your church, business, or other organization to join with us to help the oppressed.

The needs of our world are too great to ignore.

We commit to restore the dignity of each person in our communities by seeing them through the eyes of God’s love. When no one is invisible, the poor and oppressed begin to be known as the valuable people they are, created in God’s image.
We believe that no one is invisible and that everyone should have access to food, freedom, and forgiveness. This is the time to live out the words found in Acts 4:32-34.

“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power theapostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them.”

As a community is transformed, the following characteristics highlighted in Acts 4 become increasingly present:

A sense of unity — “one in heart” (v. 32)

The spirit of generosity — “gave up their possessions and shared everything they had” (v. 32)

The power of Jesus — “the apostles testified to the resurrection of Jesus” (v. 33)

A selfless response — “there were no needy persons among them” (v. 34)

Imagine being hungry. And now having access to food. No longer are the resources greedily withheld from some, but access is generously available to all.
Imagine being enslaved. And now having the ability to choose where or how to live. No longer are individuals treated as commodities, but are seen as people of worth and great value.
Imagine being blind. And now having the light of Jesus shine in the darkness. Hope is restored and the future is truly changed.

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