Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Twenty five years ago today, the clouds were gray and while there were hints of the end of winter it was quite chilly. Ben and I entered into the covenant of marriage so naively and unprepared. As we look back we realize against the odds we have made it thus far and there is only one reason for that, God. 

Today, twenty five years later, Ben and I sat on our front porch here in Zambia this morning pondering Hebrews 12:18-29 (We’ve been going through Hebrews) and our twenty five years of marriage. And while you don’t usually think of the end of Hebrews 12 with marriage, I did see an amazing truth and connection. That God’s kingdom is unshakable (v. 27, 28) and therefore in that power and truth we can stand firm in our marriage. As God has shaken things before, He will shake things again to such an extent that only what God deems His, will be left. We have this knowledge in Jesus, “the mediator of the new covenant” the eternal covenant, and the author and perfecter of our faith. Faith that will stand at the end of time. 

So marriage….As many of you know, Ben and I could have easily ended up like many other marriages. Done, broken, divorced, destroyed. But the power of God through His Spirit, His Word and His grace has brought us through. Through our own brokenness, sin, and selfishness. If God is powerful enough to create the heavens and the earth, the creatures and mankind, and sustain all these things to this point, is He not then enough for us in the darkest parts of our marriages? If He holds together His kingdom, if He speaks of the coming judgement and the shaking of all created things and His heavenly Jerusalem, if that is the power of our God, and He is not enough for us in our marriages, church, then He is not enough. For it is in our marriages that we reflect the relationship of Christ with His church, His grace and love for it, and the way in which He sacrifices for it. We are to mirror that. 

We are to serve Him, worship Him with our marriages, “in reverence and awe.” Because our, “God is a consuming fire.” As I look back to the dark part of our marriage (and don’t get me wrong! We still fight for our marriage on a daily basis now!), it is truly because of not only my trust in God but a holy fear of God. A fear based on who He is (Holy, love, just, etc.) and understanding that my life and my marriage are not about me. It is only to bring glory and honor to Him, who is high and lifted up. Church, if we do not show this broken world that the God who we claim is alive and well has the power, love, and grace to sustain, heal, restore, and help us persevere in our marriages, then truly what kind of God is He?

It calls for courage to speak out and get help, to not be comfortable and complacent, to put all other things aside to make things right, to come together, not drift apart. Don’t brush things under the rug, fight for your marriage, because you are battling against an enemy who wants to destroy. All he has to do is destroy marriage and it touches every other aspect of life, community, and society at large-children, family, work, finances, time, energy, ability to tithe, give to the poor, and do ministry in the power of a surrendered marriage.  Ask yourself today, is my marriage all that it should be? Is it what God wants it to be? Is it the expression of the fullness of Christ’s love, power, truth and grace to His church? You are never neutral, you are either moving forward or backward. Where are you? Decide, evaluate, ask God to reveal what needs to be unearthed…for the days are evil….time is of the essence, church…Be UNSHAKEABLE. 
Ben and I, in prayer this morning, with open hands, gave the next twenty five years to HIM in service (God willing;)). Will you do the same? 

This song describes how we feel about ourselves and our marriage-I/we are not enough, unless He comes….