Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Covering

I woke up New Years morning to the outside world freshly coated in new whiteness. The light outside was soft and the sound of the falling snow silent. The layers of snow creating a blank slate for the year it was announcing, this year of 2014. I have been conscience about going into this New Year with open hands and an open heart.

This fresh start, this first page of the rest of the year has to be offered to God deliberately, laid down at His feet. I pray my life is a blank slate for God to write on. For His story to be told through whatever struggles and challenges may come my way. That God's story is my story. I ask that the intertwining of my open heart and His all encompassing will, will come together to be the story of a lifetime, well, my lifetime at least!  Understanding that this written masterpiece might only be a masterpiece when it is read in eternity.

If you need to, write out on boxes or mason jars with chalkboard fronts all the activities, jobs, positions, and "things" that take up your time and put them all on a shelf in your house. You may also want to put an empty one on a shelf that may represent something you don't know about yet.  It could be a  person that needs mentoring, a volunteer position God wants you to take, or a job you are to quit, maybe a day in the week that needs to stay empty so you can fill up with God. Then pray over all these and do not take them off the shelf unless God says so. The hardest part, be willing to take action and follow through on what God is asking you to do, or not do. This might have to be done without understanding or knowing why, only trusting in the one who is the author and perfector of our faith.

Let us not haphazardly go through this year. Let us walk the path God has set out before us and not be forging trails that will lead nowhere. May we not confuse what might be good but not of God.
"The New Year lies before you like a spotless tract of snow. Be careful how you tread on it, for every mark will show..." -author unknown.

                                   Blessings and Happy New Year from Extending Hands!