Sunday, February 17, 2013

February-the month of love!

I am continuing my thoughts on love this month as it was just Valentine's Day this past week.  I realize my  January post was about love as well BUT you can't not talk about love in February!

I work part time in a flower shop in town and Valentine's week is always hectic.  It is funny to observe how many people, or men, I guess I can say, wait till the last minute to call and order flowers for their significant other.  Interesting since Valentine's Day never is always Feb. 14th.  Do they forget?  Or are they hoping the world ends before Valentine's Day so they won't have to go buy anything? Well, maybe they are just creatures of habit.  When they do call on Valentine's Day, we tell them, "of course we can do that for you!".  Maybe it's our fault:)

See, Valentine's Day is not just about saying, "I love you", but about showing it.  Putting those thoughts of love into action. Mostly the action of buying something for your love.  That, somehow, is the proof that we care. It is the action of taking the time and going to the mall or traveling to that special candy store she or he likes, or calling the local florist for her favorite flowers that shows you truly love. 

Love is action. Love is a verb, not a noun.  What actions of love are you taking today to show the people in your life that you love them?  It is much more than words.  It is in our sacrifice and our giving up of self that shows we love.  It is how Jesus showed us He cared.  It is how we show the world we care.

Let our actions to those around us show our love, not just on Feb. 14th, but all year long.  We have a team of people going to show love this summer in Zambia. They will be sacrificing much to go...because love compels them to act.  They will be ministering to abused women, talking to men about gender based violence, hopefully building a classroom off a school in a village, handing off a piggery to some women in the bush, and touching the lives of many others that need to see love in action. 

Our world is small.  Let our love be big.

To be an "active" part of this years trip and help in the funding go to to the donate button.  Please be praying for God to show up in His great love as we will need much help in reaching our goals for this trip!  The conferences, the building project, the piggery and more will need lots of loving sacrifice from those of us who want to show how much we care to the least of these...
Thank you Jesus for showing us how to love...

Praying over a women with AIDS in a coumpound