Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Florence, Angela, Noriah, and I
It was one of those nights out on the eerily dark streets and bars of Chongwe. My partner on the ground, Noriah and I were bewildered at how “quiet” it was. We had talked to a few people and stopped on the dimly light stoop of one of our usual bar’s and wondered what God wanted us to do. Were we to call it a night? I asked the Holy Spirit to guide us. I felt we were to go down the road toward the truckers. So we did. As we walked, we saw a lone woman obviously waiting for a customer standing out in the middle of a dirt parking lot; we went to talk to her. 

Once again, all of the time, effort, and cost to be there at that moment reveals itself in a woman named Angela. She was from a far away village, now living in Chongwe so she could “work.” Her lipstick fresh, it was clear she was prepared for a night of men using her as she pulled out multiple condoms from her bra. We prayed for her and invited her to church on Sunday. 

On the corner of the intersection Sunday at 10:15am there she stood, ready to be picked up for church. I was truly amazed. Angela went with Agness to the youth service and then came into church. Afterward it was clear something was different. Tears streamed from her eyes. The sermon was clearly for her that day. A life transformed. The tears were a mix of joy, peace, and the knowledge that everything she had done was laid bare in front of the only One who could make it all right. She was overwhelmed. The tears did not stop through lunch, pictures, more talking, hugs, communication with Florence who would now come along side her, and the drive home. It was beautiful. Then she came to church the next Sunday and I was able to give her a Nyanja Bible. God is amazing. 

All of you who pray for us and support us were apart of Angela’s transformed life. Angela gave me permission to share her story with you all. It will only be in heaven that we all will know the full extent of the lives that will be touched through her and her story. Thank you…