Saturday, August 9, 2014


On my run in Chongwe
When I started to train for this marathon I was very determined to try and run with people so I would be consistent and well, who am I kidding, that they would force me to get out of bed at the crack of dawn. BUT I have had many long runs by myself and they have been sweet, wonderful times with my God. This time with God has been overwhelming, convicting, and has almost brought me to my knees on occasions for different reasons. This morning was one of those times. I feel so blessed to be able to run, to watch the sun come up over the trees, to have music in my ears while just running for fun. Unlike most of the rest of the women in the world, who run not FOR anything but FROM things. Grateful for the time spent praying for the women of the world, for Zambia and for my friends and family. I am also grateful for the biggest blessing, a running partner that always shows up to run with me, no matter how early or how hot, My Jesus.

I had the opportunity to run with Him in Chongwe, Zambia just a couple of weeks ago (don't worry it was safe there!). This was so amazing! I took it all in, the sun, the dust, the people milling about, the stray dogs enjoying the cool morning air, and the very real feeling that this is going to be my home. A new home, a new place to run, a new life. 

This goal of running a marathon is such a great parallel for my goal of finishing well this race called life. It is my goal to do God's will for my life and walk with Him along the way and hear him say one day when the race is over, well done my good and faithful servant.