Monday, December 20, 2021


Earlier this month I pulled out my little pathetic pipe cleaner like fake Christmas tree and the few ornaments that would hang on it. As I emptied the small box of ornaments out came a silver ornament that spelled peace. As I hung that on my tree, I knew God was confirming that as my word for the season. But He was confirming so much more. 

I haven’t done a, “word of the season,” for a few years and I’m not exactly sure why. Maybe I was too distracted, or maybe it was because it doesn’t feel like Christmas here as much. There aren't very many opportunities to be reminded that it is even the Christmas season here besides the few Christmas decorations in malls in Lusaka. No one decorates in Chongwe, there are no special programs, or parties, nothing special even at churches. It does force you to be very intentional when it is not all around you. And so it is a blessing. There is not the fuss, or busyness, or the materialism of it here. There is just the nativity in my house and my little fake tree that remind me it is Christmas time. 

Time to reflect on why God sent His Son to earth….to be Peace for us. Not a fake peace  as the world gives but real Peace in the very person of Jesus (John 16:33). Peace is a Person. Peace is only found in Jesus and through His saving work on the cross. It is not found anywhere else. All other appearances of peace are fake, unfounded, or not lasting. The true peace we have in our lives is a direct reflection of our relationship with Christ, because the Spirit in us is the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9,10). 

The reality is though that most of us are searching for peace in all the wrong places or people. We want peace in the world, in our communities, in our relationships, or in our families, but only Christ can bring and be Peace to us in this world filled with trouble. Peace in the Person of Jesus Christ is eternal peace because He is eternal and therefore we can rest in Jesus for all the things that truly matter. 

If you want to figure out if you are trusting in Jesus for your peace ask him to bring the sword into your life (Matt. 10:34). Oswald Chambers states that, “thousands of people in this world profess to be happy without God. But if we could be truly happy and moral without Jesus, then why did He come? He came because that kind of happiness and peace is only superficial. Jesus Christ came to “bring…a sword” through every kind of peace that is not based on a personal relationship with Himself.” 

Trusting God to bring that kind of “peace” (the sword) into your life is to trust in the goodness of God. Let Jesus show you where you are not resting in Him to be your true Peace this Christmas Season. Move toward Peace. Move toward Jesus. 

Merry Christmas! Immanuel-God with us. 

Monday, March 29, 2021



As Easter approaches, we are pondering the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior to humble Himself and die on a cross, shedding His blood for us, for me. I think of the fact that I was on His heart when He went to the cross because He foreknew me. He died for me, for you, for Esther who was just saved by this same work of Jesus last week at our youth Bible study here in Zambia. He died for the world and yet He died for the one. It is that “one” that we are here for. It is the “one” that we all get to celebrate, not only here but for eternity. 

Our heart is for the one that no one else sees. The one that is invisible to the world around them. Join us in praying for all the “ones” who need education, opportunity, business training, encouragement, prayer, a Biblical study, a mentor, a micro loan, agriculture training, a paying job, tutoring, ESL training, marriage help, a good book, or a hug. But most importantly, they need the ONE who stooped low to make a way for us to be reconciled to a holy God. 

Pray with us and for us as we continue to push people toward the ONE true God who’s wrath we deserve but His Son paid the price for. We desire so much for the community of Chibolya and are so grateful for the support and prayer from everyone! We are dreaming big with God for the future and pray you will join us in prayer and financial help to reach the one, like Esther, who happened to come to our house for youth Bible Study, and was able to learn about the true saving power of God through His Son, Jesus. May this amazing Easter truth make it’s way into more hearts here. Thank you for being a part of all the “ones” here in Zambia.