Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Continuing to Dance

The hand held out inviting us to dance produces feelings that are exhilarating, intimate and profound. It means I was chosen, picked, desired. It speaks of joining, of trust, of leading and following. For us to be a part of this we have to do one thing though, reach out and take the hand that invites us. It requires us to engage with the one leading, living in the fluidity of the dance. One to lead and one to follow.

A few years ago God asked me to dance in the midst of trials and hardship (I blogged about this I believe!). To join in the beautiful undoing of myself in the arms of Him who gives joy and peace despite circumstances. I have continued to learn how to keep in step with Him and enjoy the dance, enjoy hearing Him sweetly call my name as I take His hand. There is such beauty in the mystery of God as we lay down our lives and dance to the song He chooses for us. I have been overwhelmed by the reality of the unsearchableness of God and of His holy unknowing. Something I am learning to rest in.

I must dance following His lead. Not questioning what song is playing for me. If His wisdom, knowledge and mercy are all unknowable, unfathomable, then what divine knowing of me is completely laid bare before Him. Every turn, every step in this dance called life is known to Him. And what is more, He does not need to reveal any answer to me, only the next step. Taking it in obedience that all honor and glory go to Him. What an awesome God that we serve! That whatever song He asks us to dance to, we know this one thing, that He is dancing with us. Take His hand.
This song was found to me a year or so after God called me to is like my soul was waiting for this one to be written. Enjoy!