Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The people of Zambia wait for the rains to begin every year in December. I am usually not in Zambia during this time of expectation but I feel God wanted to show me something, because I was also there with expectation and hope. Expectation of answered prayer and hope for the heavens to open. And open they did. In many ways, like the rain that eventually came to cool the blazing heat and sun, I saw God open heaven and rain down blessing on many encounters and conversations with the broken in Chibolya. Like those who have been praying for the life giving rain to plant and be able to harvest, I saw God answer my prayers to pave a way into Chibolya, soften hardened hearts, and reveal the ones God was calling to Himself. 
After prayer walking around Chibolya with some local friends on the ground, we entered into Chibolya with God and saw Him do some amazing things. The first day we saw 2 sisters come to Christ and had the opportunity to pray for healing and blessing over many others! The next day God led us to two women who needed to be delivered from demonic oppression. God guided our every step and we were so grateful for the Holy Spirit’s promptings to stop and talk to random people as we walked through this area that means graveyard. We saw the hearts and looked into the eyes of many hopeless men and soaked in the smiles of children that do not know yet the life that awaits them. We hugged many women who needed to know that God created them and that they were beautiful in His eyes and in ours and we encouraged a pastor and his wife in prayer to continue to preserver in their ministry at their little church (their church was not in Chibolya but they lived there). In the many different times that we went into Chibolya, we saw another man come to Christ and got to encourage another man who’s heart was so distraught over his life. He wanted to talk more about Jesus and my Zambian friend on the ground committed to meeting with him again. Our Zambian friends were also connecting the other women who came to Christ with a pastor’s wife and checking in on the freed women as well.  
We also went out on the streets on Friday and Saturday night. This is always hard but after much prayer, we got to see one young girl re-dedicate her life and then brought us her cousin who was also prostituting and she gave her life to her Savior and Lord! It was a beautiful thing to see the one girl who had re-dedicated her life pray with us over her cousin! I don’t even have the space to share all the conversations with the men who were at these bars, but let me say that there was one guy who actually helped us by bringing us girls to talk to and revealed that the stories of very young girls (12-14 year olds) at these bars in rooms somewhere was a reality that did not surprise us, unfortunately. We saw many underage girls about and one night we saw an underage girl screaming as she was being dragged and shoved into a car with 4 men. I will only share that she got away and It reminds me that this is a fight, a battle of light and darkness, good and evil. One in which we have God on our side. 
Though we had many God moments there was the obvious dark veil that hung over this place. Prostitutes that scattered and could not look us in the eye at our entering, and men who were bound to alcohol. Most men were drunk by 9 in the morning. The high rate of suicide in the most obvious demographic, young men, was something that we prayed against and saddened our hearts and the numbers we were hearing of HIV/AIDS was almost unbelievable. 
There is so much more to tell, and so many more stories but there is not enough room. We know this call is not going to be easy but God showed me that the heavens have opened not only for the rain in Zambia, but for us to minister to those in Chibolya. We are grateful for the opportunity to be God’s servants to those in Zambia. 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

James 2:5 (ESV)

"Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?"

It is overcast here in our little town near the Windy City and things are still very quiet in our house. I am sitting here in my modest, comfortable home, warm, dry, fed and drinking my Irish Breakfast Tea. Before things get really busy, I wanted to take some time to ponder today, Thanksgiving. 

There are many in the world this morning who have found themselves without shelter, without anything to fill their stomachs and their babies crying with hunger pangs. Many of these have been recently displaced from their homes, looking for asylum, searching for anyone who will offer them solace from the remarkable evil of their homeland. I'm grateful for what I have (which by US standards is nothing) which is what today is all about however, I can't help but think of those who are much less fortunate. Those who are thankful today anyway, in spite of their poverty, in spite of the evil that has destroyed their homes.

I can't help but think of those who I have met in Zambia, those who live in a little one room shanty house who continually speak about how good our God is. Those who do not know where their next meal will come from but are thankful that God has helped them thus far. I'm thankful to have met these people, I'm thankful that God has given me the opportunity to see with my own eyes the things that break His heart. I'm thankful that He has called me and my family to minister to these people and spread the love that He so freely shares to anyone who will accept Him. 

Time is short and I'm thankful for today. I'm thankful for all of you, my friends, my family and most of all my God who is the provider of all that we have and all that we don't. So today, as you are gathering with family and friends, giving thanks for all that God has blessed you with, please remember those who aren't going to be feasting today and offer a prayer of hope, a prayer of compassion to those who literally have nothing. 

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

An Autumn Death

It is truly a grand thing that happens in fall; the beauty that comes from dying, the splendor that is accompanied by surrender. What a glorious thing to die and be beautiful while doing so. God is good to give us a picture of what it looks like to die to self. It is a picture of grandeur and guts. 

This of course is not for the tree to choose, but for us, it is a decision. I have been contemplating this fall, this annual autumn that I find myself in, the very choice to die to self again and again. Given the needed visual, I continue to see God growing me, by “dying” me. He gives us the choice to follow Him “unto death.” This is by no means easy and it is a daily thing we must do. But I, like many of you, desire to become as nothing, I must decrease, so Christ may increase.

I am grateful for another autumn to see what God is killing in me, so that I might resemble more of my Lord. What an awesome sight to see how God can use dying to reveal the beauty of true life. A life not bent on money, things, experiences, connections, accolades, position, power, or prestige, but a life dead to self and alive in Christ. 

We have a reminder every fall to re-evaluate our life, or more appropriately our death. To observe what we missed the year before or what we were unwilling to let fall deliberately to the ground. Grateful for the time of reflection. 

Let us see the glorious beauty in dying. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Calculating... 3, 2, 1

It is Sunday evening and we just had an amazing day with some friends who are heading to the Mission Field of Spain. They will be working in Santiago at the end of the Camino Trail and are ready to go as soon as their Visas are approved, hopefully within the next few weeks. It was great to see them and to see the anticipation on their faces. We also already had a call scheduled with our Area Director and also great friends who are serving in Jinja, Uganda. We attended orientation with both of these couples a little over two years ago. While our planned departure was much later than both of them due to our family dynamics at the time, we are at a place where we really...really want to be in Zambia and continue the work that God has asked us to do.

So I started thinking about where we are and what it is going to take to get us to Zambia by the end of the year. We have made great strides over the past couple of months in gathering partners for this ministry and would love to see this continue. Based on this, I did some calculating. How many more people do we need per week to join our team? The pictorial graph attached below shows that, once all of those (people) have been spoken for, we will be ready to leave. As you can see, we only need 47 more people to join our team. That's less than 1 person per day between now and the end of November. If you have been thinking about joining us would you consider pulling the trigger today? We would consider it such a blessing to have you as part of our team. As Paul writes in his letter to the Philippians in chapter 4 verse 17,

"Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit." ESV

We would love to have you share in the blessings that will come from this ministry.

To join our team, either click on the picture above or click the link below. Thank you in advance! Together, we can bring Jesus to the community of Chibolya in Chongwe, Zambia.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Continuing to Dance

The hand held out inviting us to dance produces feelings that are exhilarating, intimate and profound. It means I was chosen, picked, desired. It speaks of joining, of trust, of leading and following. For us to be a part of this we have to do one thing though, reach out and take the hand that invites us. It requires us to engage with the one leading, living in the fluidity of the dance. One to lead and one to follow.

A few years ago God asked me to dance in the midst of trials and hardship (I blogged about this I believe!). To join in the beautiful undoing of myself in the arms of Him who gives joy and peace despite circumstances. I have continued to learn how to keep in step with Him and enjoy the dance, enjoy hearing Him sweetly call my name as I take His hand. There is such beauty in the mystery of God as we lay down our lives and dance to the song He chooses for us. I have been overwhelmed by the reality of the unsearchableness of God and of His holy unknowing. Something I am learning to rest in.

I must dance following His lead. Not questioning what song is playing for me. If His wisdom, knowledge and mercy are all unknowable, unfathomable, then what divine knowing of me is completely laid bare before Him. Every turn, every step in this dance called life is known to Him. And what is more, He does not need to reveal any answer to me, only the next step. Taking it in obedience that all honor and glory go to Him. What an awesome God that we serve! That whatever song He asks us to dance to, we know this one thing, that He is dancing with us. Take His hand.
This song was found to me a year or so after God called me to is like my soul was waiting for this one to be written. Enjoy!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Training at International Teams....Check!

Graduation! Pic credit-Sandy Jo Thompson
There was a joyous and dramatic marking of the box next to "training" on my list of things to do! This has been a long time coming as we have spread out our training over the past couple of years but Ben and I just finished up our final two weeks at International Teams as we prepare to go to the field full-time!

We started our days with worship and moved on to spiritual training, soul care and inner healing work, team building, knowing yourself and personality work, community health, practical stuff like finance, taxes, insurance, and then security, spiritual warfare, spiritual gifts, bible study methods, leadership and MUCH more! Our days were packed, with homework on top of it. Though we were exhausted, it was so great to be with like minded people who are all working through their own doubts and worries as they get ready to go to their specific mission fields. We still have some other work to be done before we go; a couple more books to read and we both have to finish meeting with our mentors and a few more responses to some documents but our onsite training is complete!

We were blessed to spend time with people who have walked through suffering, personal tragedy, hardships and trials but chose to see God's hand in it all. People who have overcome and then surrendered their lives to a God who gives us purpose and a calling. A calling that does not include comfort or luxury, security or glamour but does include adventure and excitement (and some faith)!

What an honor to be included in this mix of people going to the "ends of the earth" to proclaim the Name above every name, Jesus. Working to heal, love, transform and bring change to communities where people are invisible. Where there are women waiting to share their story of abuse and how that led to a life of prostitution. Where men are bound to hopelessness because of the economic conditions  with no resources to move beyond it. Where children are left to fend for themselves because orphans are a drain and a curse to extended family members and the spiritual bondage to the evil one has blinded the eyes of the marginalized. Thus, we join this awesome group of people going out to make a difference.

Onward now we march! Working hard to get fully funded so we can buy plane tickets and go! God has done so much up to this point and we are grateful to be on this journey! To be a part of it all go to partner here!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Home Sweet Home?

I started reading again in 1 Peter today. The first few verses stopped me. Let me share them. 1 Peter 1:1-2 "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, STRANGERS IN THE WORLD, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, who have been chosen, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood." For some reason, I stopped on, "strangers in the world." I needed to think about how much I am a stranger in this world. What does that mean for me? What does that look like? A timely reminder that this world is NOT my home! Where do I find solace, comfort, what am I clinging to? In John 14:23 Jesus says this, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." What a powerful statement! If I am saved, a child of God who has repented of my sins and accepted the free gift of Jesus' perfect sacrifice of blood on the cross, then I am home always and wherever with my Lord and Savior! If there is no place to lay my head, I need not worry, I am still home. What peace, what comfort, what love of my God to make His home inside of me.
Lest we forget and get comfortable in this world, which I have been and will always struggle with, we need only to remind ourselves that Jesus said, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." This in a section of verses about the cost of following Jesus.
Challenged to keep eternity on my mind, and God as my home, the place where He wraps my heart up in His love and where there is no sweeter a place to rest. May I appear to not be from this alien, a foreigner, one on a mission. On mission in Zambia, here, or WHEREVER God may call us in the little time we have left. Oh, Lord, let me not be comfortable in this world, let me be marked as a stranger! Now, I know some of you who know me would say, well yes, you are strange. I will not deny that! Ha! Let's all be a little lost in this world remembering that we have been found!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

No Extra Tunic

I am sitting at Starbucks soaking up my first real warm sunshine, pondering what God wants me to share. I hear the birds chirping and the bells on the tower of the Opera House, the classical music in the park and see the familiar faces of people I know passing by my little table. It is these things I am also trying to soak in, the sounds and comforts of Woodstock, Il. My little gazebo in the park, my favorite shops, the sound of the cars on the cobblestone and the Farmers Market. It is a slice of MidWest heaven. I know we are leaving this all behind. The comforts and "some of my favorite things".

After getting rid of almost everything we own over the past few weeks, and moving out of our house, I was taken back to a verse that God had challenged me with years ago when we first considered possibly moving to Zambia full-time. It is in Matthew 10:9-"Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff; for the worker is worth his keep." It is in the context of Jesus sending out the disciples to evangelize the jewish people. The question is would I be willing to do this if I was one of the disciples standing before Jesus? IF this is what God asked of me? Will you go with nothing? No back up? No safety net? No plan B? Are you willing to see that your work is worth your keep, so to speak? My husband and I had a lot to overcome in regards to becoming long-term missionaries. It was one thing to raise money for trips, projects, and other Zambia needs mostly for other people. It was clearly another to raise money for us to go and live in Zambia full-time. Even though I grew up in a church that was mission minded and heard many missionaries over the years, it was still very hard to make that jump to now we are the ones asking for money so we can live in a Majority World country and reach people who do not know about Jesus. But the answer to that question was, "Yes."

Though we are leaving behind more than just "some of my favorite things", much more than material possessions and creature comforts. I know I am leaving behind family and friends, worship pals, prayer partners and those who are my, "iron that sharpens iron" (you know who you all are!). But God is calling. I entrust not only them to Him but myself and my family. We will go with "no extra tunic." No turning back, no turning back.

Help us get to 100% funded by the end of summer! We need monthly partners now. Be a part of what God is doing in Zambia. Go to

Thank you for all the prayer and support over the years as we have continued to move toward this goal of living alongside those we are ministering to, soaking in their everyday lives, and caring enough to be in relationship with them, in the dust and the dirt. Kinda like Jesus.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Now, I realize I live in the Mid-West, but when the calendar states it is spring and there is a snow storm two days later, it is hard not to wonder what happened. Winter is long enough.  We NEED it to be spring!
I was thinking about this concept in our spiritual lives as well. We wait for and expect one thing when something else is given. How does that make us feel? Do we question what our motives were, or if God’s call to us was real? Do we allow our feet to falter and wonder where God could be? When we are holding out for spring and winter is what we get it can sometimes make us wonder what is going on. 
I was looking back in Exodus 17 and I had this written in my margin of my Bible-“How do I feel about following God and still having the ‘bottom fall out?” This is in the context of Moses and the Israelites in the desert after the Red Sea and the waters at Marah and the manna and quail. In chapter 17 Moses and the Israelites are in the Desert of Sin and need water again. They are complaining and feel hopeless. They were arguing with Moses (can you imagine all those people coming up against Moses?) and blaming him for all that had gone “wrong”. They were about to stone him! So here I ask the question, are we willing to continue on when there is no water and trust God? Are we willing to walk the path He has laid out before us even when winter comes and it was supposed to be spring? Will we seek His face in the midst of seeming failure and wait on His next steps? Or will we be like the Israelites and say, “Is the Lord among us or not?” 
Imagine a similar scenario today. What would we be saying on the side-lines? As the world watched what comments would be made of not only Moses but of his God? THEN in the very next section, Moses leads the people on after God did end up providing water and they defeat the Amalekites because Moses lifted up his hands to the God of heaven. The God he was still following and worshipping. Wow. Moses could have turned back to Egypt at that point, but he followed His God. What does the “bottom falling out” look like for you? If we know we are following God and walking with Him, let us remember that in the big picture, God is working where we cannot see. Let us be as Moses. Willing to walk triumphantly out of Egypt, be almost stoned to death in the desert and still courageously walk forward with God no matter who is willing to believe with us. 
How does Moses continue on? How does he know God is there? Because God was speaking to him. He knew God’s voice. He chose to trust. Do we know God’s voice? There are many voices out there…we need to make sure we are hearing God’s and when we do, we need to 100% follow it. No turning back, no turning back…even when the "bottom falls out". 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

International Women’s Day March 8th, 2015

In light of International Women’s Day I wanted to take some space in the saturated pool of voices on the needs of women around the world. As I have been to a multitude of International Women’s Day events over the years, I have found one thing missing in the mantra of women’s rights in the secular events claiming to have the answers for not only women in the Majority World but for us in the First World. While it was always exciting to celebrate a day to lift up women and our needs and desires, it ultimately left me feeling like I wanted to stand up and shout that this is not all there is people….glass ceilings, education, access to medicine, and opportunity (whatever vagueness that suggested). While these are important things to discuss and have answers for, we, as Christians, have a far more powerful, exciting, fulfilling, uplifting and eternal answer to the needs of women around the world. The answer to the most fundamental human need, the need for a Savior, a Savior from our sin that marks us unworthy before a Holy God. The answer to our empty hearts and souls, the answer to our need for relationship, and the answer to why we desire to worship something. Jesus is the answer to our problems. The One who speaks life into the lifeless, healing in the hearts of the abused and wholeness to the broken. The One who gives joy despite our circumstances and fullness of life despite our bank accounts or education. 
This, this is why I am willing to go and be a drink offering poured out to the women of Zambia. My God has made a way, Jesus is the propitiation of my sins, the atoning sacrifice, the justification to a holy God and the sanctification of my life surrendered to Him as not only my Savior but my Lord. Jesus is the overcomer, the giver of life and the bondage breaker of strongholds and demonic power, if we bend our knee to Him. This is the message that the women of the world need to hear amongst the other voices. It is in the miraculous life of a believer, poor or rich, educated or uneducated, sick or healthy, that God’s power is seen and His love lived out. God is revealing His salvation to women who have humbled themselves around the globe, and increasingly to the world’s poorest. God’s name is being made famous, glory and honor are being given because poor, simple women bent their knee and surrendered. The harvest is ready….the altering of a woman’s eternal destination is at stake. Let us be the givers of food, freedom and FORGIVENESS! The world is desperately trying to answer the problems of extreme poverty, abuse, and violence against women. Let us be the problem fixers, the ones who will pray to overcome dark strongholds and intercede for women we have never met. To pray for angels to protect supernaturally and for battles to be won in the heavenly realms. For the Kingdom of Heaven to come to this earth through women who are willing to say, “I am the Lord’s servant…May it be to me as you have said.” 
My prayer is that the light of Heaven would flow out of me and that my hands would touch, write, hug, work, hold, dig, or whatever needs to be done to reach women who are lost. That my mouth would speak the Truth that brings freedom and that the Name that frightens every demon would be boldly proclaimed. That my mind would be renewed every day and my heart open to be searched by God that all sin, and worldliness would be eradicated from my life so I might be an empty vessel filled up and overflowing. I pray for any woman today that is reading this and is not sure of your eternal destination, that you would reach out to me or another believer who might share that God wants to transform you spiritually, physically and emotionally. All aspects of women are important and they all need to be addressed to be able to bring purpose to the poor, safety to the scared, and life to the lost. Pray today and intercede with me for women around the globe, imagine their lives and ask God to give you women to pray for, countries to claim for God’s kingdom and miraculous stories that would only point to our Lord and Savior. 

Blessings to all my woman friends and the women of history that have sacrificed to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a dying world. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Between Two Worlds

Between two worlds between two loves
One that is here and one that floods
There was a time I was shrinking back
When I would say we'll get there when the red turns to black
I would smile, I would nod
and just say we're trusting God
But in His Presence God spoke
and said it's ok to feel like you are choked
The passion you have is the other end
It's exactly where I want you, friend
I want you trusting me here
and desiring there
dance with me today
and tonight be in the fray
For there is no other way for you to grow
when you have no other place to go
than on your face waiting for each step
as you live between this chapter and what's next

Kristin Choitz

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


My verse for 2015
Entering 2015 has been precarious. I moved into 2015 shedding 2014 but with the effects of it still attached like snake skin I am trying to rid myself of. I pray that I would be able to let that which is following me, the hurt, pain, suffering and agony, fall into the hands of my Father in Heaven. I think part of me wanted to spring into this new year with boldness, prayers answered, the path to Zambia sealed and all relationships in my life singing the glories of reconciliation, repentance and honor. That is not where I find myself.

Last year I sat quietly hearing God say that 2014 was going to be tough, that it was going to be really hard. I couldn't imagine how things could get worse but they did.

As with previous years, I continue to learn that God wants me at His feet and in His presence. That is enough. He wants me to REST in Him. That is my word for this year.

It is ironic that God has given me this word in what will probably be the busiest of any year on record. The year we will move to Zambia. It is not a mistake though. This REST is not the kind in which I will find myself by an ocean reading a good book. It is the REST I will experience in Him, in His presence in the middle of the storm. The REST I will accept in our calling and our service to our Lord and Savior. The place where I will worship God for, despite and because of everything going on in my life.

I have been studying Ezekiel and keep landing on the phrase, "The glory of the Lord". I wanted to study that a little more so I reached out for a pastor friend of mine and he gave me some verses to read. One of which was Exodus 33:14-"The Lord replied, 'My PRESENCE will go with you, and I will give you REST." He did not know my word for the year but God used him to confirm where He wants me. Resting in His glory.

As I claim 2015 for Zambia (and REST in God to get us there), I do so with a vision in my heart for Chibolya, which means graveyard. A vision for Chiboyla to be given a new name through the powerful love of Jesus and His resurrection power where He overcame death so that this hopeless community in Chongwe, Zambia could be given a new name and people freed from bondage and the old name thrown off for the glory of God! That I will REST in.

Blessings to everyone as we march, crawl, slip, jump, bound, run, walk or sail into 2015!