Wednesday, January 14, 2015


My verse for 2015
Entering 2015 has been precarious. I moved into 2015 shedding 2014 but with the effects of it still attached like snake skin I am trying to rid myself of. I pray that I would be able to let that which is following me, the hurt, pain, suffering and agony, fall into the hands of my Father in Heaven. I think part of me wanted to spring into this new year with boldness, prayers answered, the path to Zambia sealed and all relationships in my life singing the glories of reconciliation, repentance and honor. That is not where I find myself.

Last year I sat quietly hearing God say that 2014 was going to be tough, that it was going to be really hard. I couldn't imagine how things could get worse but they did.

As with previous years, I continue to learn that God wants me at His feet and in His presence. That is enough. He wants me to REST in Him. That is my word for this year.

It is ironic that God has given me this word in what will probably be the busiest of any year on record. The year we will move to Zambia. It is not a mistake though. This REST is not the kind in which I will find myself by an ocean reading a good book. It is the REST I will experience in Him, in His presence in the middle of the storm. The REST I will accept in our calling and our service to our Lord and Savior. The place where I will worship God for, despite and because of everything going on in my life.

I have been studying Ezekiel and keep landing on the phrase, "The glory of the Lord". I wanted to study that a little more so I reached out for a pastor friend of mine and he gave me some verses to read. One of which was Exodus 33:14-"The Lord replied, 'My PRESENCE will go with you, and I will give you REST." He did not know my word for the year but God used him to confirm where He wants me. Resting in His glory.

As I claim 2015 for Zambia (and REST in God to get us there), I do so with a vision in my heart for Chibolya, which means graveyard. A vision for Chiboyla to be given a new name through the powerful love of Jesus and His resurrection power where He overcame death so that this hopeless community in Chongwe, Zambia could be given a new name and people freed from bondage and the old name thrown off for the glory of God! That I will REST in.

Blessings to everyone as we march, crawl, slip, jump, bound, run, walk or sail into 2015!