Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Light of Hope by Sandy Woznicki

Thirteen years ago, I remember standing on the square of my hometown, Woodstock, Il and partaking in a candle lighting ceremony amongst a group of women who had, in some capacity, been affected by Domestic Violence. It was October, which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and I was an intern in my Master’s Program at a Domestic Violence shelter.  Little did I know at the time, how my heart and eyes would be opened and changed with regards to the impact of abuse in our society.

The statistics of Domestic Violence in America are alarming: 1/ 4 women and 1/6 men suffer abuse in a relationship (this only reflects those cases reported). Approximately every 9 seconds, a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a friend, a partner are being assaulted or beaten. Compounded to that are the verbal, emotional, financial, and spiritual abuse that is pervasive and ongoing. If these travesties are cultivated in a country that stands on a foundation of freedom and equal rights for all, imagine then, a culture where a woman is still considered property, where she is part of a population where 78 % live in poverty, and chances of her receiving an education beyond 6th grade are marginal, at best.

This past summer, I was exposed once again to the tragic costs of this societal epidemic traveling to Lusaka, Zambia in Africa with an incredible a team from ExtendingHands, a nonprofit organization of which I am proud to be a board member. One of our main goals was to create and carry out a conference to educate women on abuse: what abuse is, the types of abuse, and its impact on their minds, bodies, and souls. Many of the women have been abused since they were young girls--they grew into womanhood way before their time. Most have had to ignore their own needs, let alone their hopes and dreams for a better future, in order to care not only for their own children, but for other family members who became orphans as a result of their parents succumbing to HIV/AIDS.

The costs of DV are great and are not limited by economic, racial, religious or even regional boundaries—this truly is a global problem. It results in many losses: loss of lives, loss of a sense of self, loss of a healthy family system, loss of a healthy and flourishing community at large. The impact of abuse not only affects these systems at an emotional and physical level, but also creates financial, medical, and legal burdens that most of the time, are beyond the ability of the victims to resolve for themselves.

'The Gathering' Conference in Lusaka, Zambia

It was important for our team to bring to these beautiful women in Zambia, some hope---the Truth about who they are, not what they have come to believe from the lies and abuse of others, not through the cultural laws under which they have been oppressed, but the Truth of who they were created to be. And once again, I had the privilege of participating in a candlelight ceremony, amongst a group of very strong and resilient women who had a contagious faith of Hope. And in that Spirit, we stood together, holding a light to the truth that we were created out of love, to be loved, and to live out our potential in love. And that Truth has no geographic, no cultural, and no legal limits!

Monday, October 8, 2012

What Still Overwhelms

First off, I need to say a public bloggy, "Thank You!" to the people who put countless hours, money and energy into our annual fundraiser Sept. 1st! This blog is WAY overdue (I know!!) and I apologize SO much for being away from the blog for a while! Life has been a little crazy:)  God did do some great things that night and we are again humbled to just be a part of what God is doing!  All of you on the fundraising committee and those that helped the day of, either setting up, playing drums, greeting our guests or helping with a myriad of other jobs, we appreciate you all very much!  From the bottom of my heart I lift you all up so God may bless you greatly for sacrificing much for the people of Zambia.  We are looking forward now to what God is calling us to next. 

We have allocated much of the money made that night and are praying that God multiplies all the dollars to further His will and His plan in Zambia.  We are committed to providing more training and help to the women who are learning how to sew and knit.  We are also coming alongside of our partner on the ground, Community for Human Development.  Much needed financial help is following  hours of prayer as they struggle to do what God has called them to, despite the  many mountains they have to overcome.  Putting aside money for getting the products here to the states is also crucial along with keeping the women busy making products, which requires continued search for new markets and ways to sell (need online store, praying for that).  Networking, travel, booth set-up and  training on abuse and other issues the women face, takes some of the beautiful offerings so many of you have given!  Thank you!

Your support and prayer has allowed us to do much for the people of Zambia.  From the conference on abuse we put on in Lusaka and the skills training to allowing Ben to finally come and ask the question, "what about the men?".  We are already looking forward to next year and the team trip that will go and do something to answer that question.  There are many things on the horizon for us as we stand firm in our calling and stay still long enough to hear the heart of God. Ben and I were at International Teams this past week hearing the vision and mission of I-Teams and getting a handle on what it is going to take to get us to Zambia as full time workers for God there!  I am hoping to see clearly how God wants us to live here and what He wants us to focus on as we prepare to go full time to Zambia in 2014.

As I sit and think about all that God has already laid out in front of us, this one thing still overwhelms my soul, that God has allowed us to be a part of it all.  To be the hands and feet of Jesus to broken and hurting people.  Wow....

I am continually overcome by the fact that God can use me (us) and that He has entrusted us to this mission in Zambia.  God is at work folks!  It was so exciting to meet all the people this past week at I-Teams who are going to all different places around the globe! What an awesome representation of what God has done in the lives of those who are willing to take that deep breath and jump off the cliff with God so the WHOLE GOSPEL can be presented to the world! It was an honor to sit in the same room with everyone! 

Thank you again to all of you who have  been a part of this journey so far...much more to come!  Stay tuned!