Monday, June 30, 2014

A Sunday Morning Run

It is a simple white sign with almost childlike writing on it with 3 crosses clearly depicting the reason for the name of the farm-Grace Farm. It is a turnaround point out in the country for me as I am training for the Chicago Marathon.  That was what my sights were set on this morning as I hit the pavement.
I started out with a friend of mine who only had time to run a couple of the 7 I had to run. Then, the ear buds went in and the volume way up. I stopped to turn around at this quaint farm and headed back into town. I will say at this point I was in my own world and, as my kids would say, at the, "Mom, you need to be medicated" stage. With my hands raised, and singing at the top of my lungs and I am sure out of tune, I put one foot in front of the other down this quiet road. Then out of the corner of my eye I see a car pulling up right beside me. An unmarked police car! He asked if I was OK, and I said I was just fine. He said I looked like I was trying to flag someone down. I laughed and told him I was only raising my hands in worship cause it was a nice Sunday morning to do that. He probably would agree with my kids that I need to be medicated. 
I then thought back to a time when I ran because I was running from something. I was running from my past. I was running from things I did not even remember or understand. Now, I run, not just to that marker out in the country, but to Him whom that farm represents. The One who freed me from my past and my own sin that was dragging me down. He now runs with me and it is His presence that I long for. I do not have to be anyone, do anything or run from anything, I just need to seek His face and run with and for Him who is worthy of my praise regardless if I sound good to the corn fields!
I know I might look like a crazy person when I run with my worship music on but I hope that attitude of abandonment to Him continues, wherever I might be or in whatever I am doing! I guess I was never running by my self anyway...I always have a running partner.

1 Timothy 4:7-"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

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