Friday, November 14, 2014

Follow Me....

As I was worshiping this morning, I was pondering many things and thinking about the words of the song playing. The words went on and on..."illuminate the road before me, illuminate the road before me, illuminate the road before me", then the echo was, "follow me, follow me"...
Powerful words if we really think about them. If Jesus is willing to light our path, to illuminate the road before us, and He has gone before us to do that, what does that mean for us? I then started thinking about the willingness of following. If we follow, we follow where Jesus has gone and experience what He did. Are we willing to be what He asks of us in Acts 1:8? It states, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
No, I am not talking about going to the ends of the earth, that is the easy part. It is a word in the middle of the verse, "witnesses". Knowing that word actually means martyr, are we really willing to be "witnesses"? Are we willing to step over that line once and for all, not to falter and fade if times get tough? Are we willing to truly surrender to the sufferings of Christ? The world wants to light the way down many other roads, let us not be fooled by artificial light. May our hearts be pure and our minds set on Christ. That we may claim this saying from Spurgeon- "Far be it from us to seek a crown of honor where our Lord found only a crown of thorns." 

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