Monday, July 27, 2015

Training at International Teams....Check!

Graduation! Pic credit-Sandy Jo Thompson
There was a joyous and dramatic marking of the box next to "training" on my list of things to do! This has been a long time coming as we have spread out our training over the past couple of years but Ben and I just finished up our final two weeks at International Teams as we prepare to go to the field full-time!

We started our days with worship and moved on to spiritual training, soul care and inner healing work, team building, knowing yourself and personality work, community health, practical stuff like finance, taxes, insurance, and then security, spiritual warfare, spiritual gifts, bible study methods, leadership and MUCH more! Our days were packed, with homework on top of it. Though we were exhausted, it was so great to be with like minded people who are all working through their own doubts and worries as they get ready to go to their specific mission fields. We still have some other work to be done before we go; a couple more books to read and we both have to finish meeting with our mentors and a few more responses to some documents but our onsite training is complete!

We were blessed to spend time with people who have walked through suffering, personal tragedy, hardships and trials but chose to see God's hand in it all. People who have overcome and then surrendered their lives to a God who gives us purpose and a calling. A calling that does not include comfort or luxury, security or glamour but does include adventure and excitement (and some faith)!

What an honor to be included in this mix of people going to the "ends of the earth" to proclaim the Name above every name, Jesus. Working to heal, love, transform and bring change to communities where people are invisible. Where there are women waiting to share their story of abuse and how that led to a life of prostitution. Where men are bound to hopelessness because of the economic conditions  with no resources to move beyond it. Where children are left to fend for themselves because orphans are a drain and a curse to extended family members and the spiritual bondage to the evil one has blinded the eyes of the marginalized. Thus, we join this awesome group of people going out to make a difference.

Onward now we march! Working hard to get fully funded so we can buy plane tickets and go! God has done so much up to this point and we are grateful to be on this journey! To be a part of it all go to partner here!

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