Sunday, October 1, 2017


The miles wore on as we neared the end of our trip out West. I tried to stretch a little still bound in my seat and though tired of driving, a smile spread across my face. A childish smile I have been more aware of wanting. It comes when we see God in new things, things He has created and given us to enjoy. His creation, His beauty and the vastness of His diversity in this world is utterly amazing. I feel concerned that we do not have a sense of wonder about God and all that He has created and is doing and is holding together as we go about our lives. 

Though curiosity may have killed the cat, I believe curiosity and having a sense of wonder is essential to our spiritual walk. To my surprise, I am not the only one pondering these things. The next morning after returning home, I opened my email and a blog I subscribe to for missionary women, touched on this exact concept. Confirming that this is not superficial or unimportant for those in ministry or otherwise. The author shares a quote from Andy Stanley which states, ”Everything in life conspires against our sense of wonder: age, experience, our jobs, even our church.” Let’s look at what is sucking the life out of our wonder and curiosity and then let’s do something about it.

We must look up and out, beyond our computer screens, beyond our houses, our neighborhoods, our cities, and yes, beyond our own countries. This is because God is out there! Being awestruck by a waterfall in Zambia or by a mountain in Wyoming is giving glory to God for what He has made. Even being a little scared as we drove up and over a mountain in the dense fog was, I have to admit, I little exhilarating. Stopping to see a rushing river cutting through a mountain cavern and giving God glory for his handiwork shakes the spiritual realm. That my friends, is the result of our wonder….worship of God, the creator of all things. Let us never lose our wonder that we may worship! 

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