Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 The Pilgrims….it conjures up a picture in our minds of those white collared travelers to the New Land. During this time of year we reminisces on the story. The story of those who left one place and journeyed to another. Risking it all for religious freedom. Following God out of their “exile” in Europe. We many times think back on this and yet are so far removed from it that it becomes just the story we celebrate but what if that pilgrim history became our pilgrim identity? 

This pilgrim history goes so much farther back though. Back to Abraham and the call to leave what he had to go to where God was calling him. The journey of Abraham and his descendants end up in exile though, but we can’t stay in Egypt, even though many times it seems safer. 

We must not get comfortable, we must follow that wanderlust with the God who calls us to journey with Him through the wilderness to the promise land. Learning to trust, learning more about Him, learning that He provides, and learning that He is the only God that is worthy of our praise. 

In the book, Wander, by Michelle Van Loon, she reminds us that, “Godly contentment will keep us in a state of discontentment with the world around us. It will help us recognize temporary comforts such as a full stomach and a safe place in which to lay our heads are not the destination in our lives. Godly contentment makes pilgrims out of us.” 

The call begins as it did for us, in a still small voice to follow. A call to set out and trust the same God who called Abraham and Moses. Then there is ultimate journey of our Lord and Savior who left heaven  and came to earth and followed a path to the cross for us. 

Are we willing to identify as a pilgrim? During this Thanksgiving week, let’s ponder our pilgrim identity and our willingness to journey with the God who calls us to this. 

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